Curtain Designs

Thanks to all the children and young people that have contributed to our super curtain designs for Ward 18 and Outpatients 2 and 3.

We’ve taken your ideas, drawings and stories into the designs which you can check out below!

On Ward 18 we’ve linked up with the story designs in the single bedrooms and on Outpatients we’ve created different worlds to explore. Each Outpatient clinic will be themed on one of these worlds so that there is a change and identity to each space.

Outpatient curtain design - 4m wide x 2m high

Ward 18 curtain design - 4m wide x 2m high

Magic Story Recipe: Fun with Patterns

Whilst talking to young people about the potential of the artwork, we’ve been having some fun with an open ended kaleidoscope!

We’ve been looking at the things around us and watched them transform into abstract patterns. Check out the video below!

This had also inspired some creative fun with patterns, it is fascinating seeing the way the shapes can link, overlap or fit into one another!

You can download the activity here

Below are some patterns created by the children and young people.

Let us know what you think - if you check out our Pinterest page we have some super pattern examples there too.

pattern fun 1.jpg
pattern fun 2.jpg

Super Badges

I’ve been chatting to children and young people on the out-patients at Waterfall House to find out about what fascinates them.

We’ve talked about what we would be if we could be anything at all! What our favourite things are, or things to do are. We’ve sometimes made up a short story or simply talked about the sorts of things that would be fun and interesting to look at while waiting for or having treatments.

Let us know what you love!!

Below are some of the badges the children have made.
